Here we go again…

Dennis and Dakota shadowAnother day another medical issue.  Seems like only a little bit ago I was going through chemo and trying to “get better” from my bout with cancer.  That was July 2011 through February of 2012.  Fast forward to August 2013, and here we go again.

For those that know, I was diagnosed with Burkitts Lymphoma back in 2011.  This is a Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma that is extremely fast growing.  I will not get into the details, you can read more here:

Right about this time, our dog Dakota, was also going through some “issues”.  Arthritis, and a torn ACL in her left rear leg.  During my rehab time, it was a joy to be able to walk with her and rehab together.  That was then – fast forward to the past few months..

Dakota has undergone her third surgery for the leg.  This time we went to a different facility in West Hartford, called Veterinary Specialists.  After her surgery it was necessary for Tammy and I to keep her “quiet” and limit the amount of activity for her.  For those that know Dakota this is a chore in and of itself.  We created an extra large dog pen (our family room) where she has been confined for the past 6 weeks.  She is doing well, and we need to walk her, though limited, every day 2 – 3 times a day.

We signed her up for physical therapy with Barbara.  A real nice lady that Dakota enjoys spending time with.  Amazingly, they work on a treadmill, submerged in water, to help facilitate muscle growth and limit impact on the leg joint.  I never thought I would see Dakota on a treadmill, let alone one submerged in water.  I even have proof!
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It was good that we could walk together again, as I really enjoy the time and the activity.  She is doing REALLY well on her journey to recovery.

Now, lets get back to August 5th.  I had started a project with a few friends.  This was to clear an area for additional parking and add a patio on the back of our house.  This required filling in with a bunch of gravel.  32 tons of gravel 🙂  We are just putting down the gravel to let settle over the winter.  The plan is to put pavers in the patio area.  Will be nice once complete.

On Tuesday, I went to Quincy MA. then up to Bangor to visit with my mother, who had just underwent cardiac catheterization to put in a stent.  All went well with her operation and as she was going to be discharged I stayed up in Bangor and was able to visit with her for a few days, which was nice.  This is the second “miracle” she has pulled off in the past few months.  Talk about someone with 9 lives… that is her!

While working in the yard on Saturday, August 10th, I started to have chest pains.  I had felt them before (Monday) while working and when I stopped the pain went away (was very minor).  This time, the pain started immediately once I started working.  I moved about 6 wheel barrel loads of gravel, and each time the pain would get worse.  I had a very hard time breathing, and both my arms ached in the triceps area.  This was a bit unnerving as I had never felt pain this way or this bad before.

The proverbial “straw” was when I felt nauseous and vomited.  I very rarely get sick, and when it does happen, there is usually something really bad happening.

I contemplated between going inside and laying down versus calling 911.  I probably thought about it for 10 minutes or so.  I finally decided the worse that would happen is the hospital would tell me I pulled some muscles and needed to rest.  So I called the ambulance.

It didn’t take long and the ambulance quickly had me at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford.  After a few more “episodes” of pain, and having an EKG with a few of them, I was next talking to a cardiac surgeon.  It appeared that there were enough differences with the EKG’s to indicate a possible blockage.

My thought was a follow up later in the week, more tests, etc.  I couldn’t have been further from reality.  When the doctor discussed cardiac catheterization, I asked him “When?”.  His answer was an emphatic – “NOW!”.

They went into the Femoral artery in my right groin area.  During the whole procedure I was awake and could see the monitor for the operation.  The doctor took no time in finding a blockage in my left anterior descending artery.  He opened the passage with a balloon then inserted the stent in the area of the blockage.Kireyev1

Once the operation was done, while the staff was cleaning up, they asked me “how is the pain in your chest?”.  At that time I noticed – IT WAS GONE!.  Everyone went YEAHHHH…  that is exactly what we wanted to hear.

I was in the hospital for a total of three days.  More for observation and to see how I would make out with the medications they prescribed for me.  Everything appears to be going well.  I have energy back, with no pain.

So now, puts me back to the reason for the article, and the original picture.  I am – well – we are back to walking.  Dakota and I are out twice a day (or more) to walk and get back in good health.  We both have a ways to go before we are cleared and ready to go full steam.  I know we are ready to face anything!

Will need to really start working on my lifestyle with regards to eating and my weight.  The ONLY risk factor I have with regards to coronary artery disease is hereditary, and being overweight.  One of these I can fix.

All for now…

Peace and Love,
-Dennis – Dakota too!

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  1. Lisa on August 16, 2013 at 2:30 pm

    Love you….more than you will ever know! Stay strong!!

  2. Fran Miele on August 16, 2013 at 2:39 pm

    You can do it Dennis! Believe me I know. Let mne know if you need anything, except $$$ (LOL), I am only a short distance away.

  3. Ginny Moretti on August 16, 2013 at 7:32 pm

    Know that you are the kind of guy that can do this and do it right.
    Blessings and Prayers

  4. Lynne Flanders on August 16, 2013 at 9:55 pm

    Hey Dennis!
    Glad you are home & walking Dakota 🙂
    We look forward to your return to DJing at NEWDA! We miss you!
    Let me know as soon as you are ready & you will have a date!
    I the meantime, maybe we can update our website with one of these Blogs!
    Take care! Do what the Dr says!

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