Goals for 2017

REV 3 triathlon - the beast of the North East

I do well with goals when they are written, and shared. Sharing the goals with others makes me accountable for delivering. Here is a quick rundown of my goals for the year… and what I will probably be writing about quite a bit. Trying to get healthier, I started doing triathlons. As I kept having…

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Get on the bandwagon – NOT!

hang loose 02

The other day a friend posted a picture on Facebook. Was of a pregnant woman standing, while next to her were three gentlemen sitting on a bench engrossed in their cell phones. The comments were all highly negative at the three gentlemen. “disgusting” “punks” “.. ridiculous…” … and they continued. My comment was pretty simple…

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I am a hypocrite


For so long I keep telling people “Don’t worry about what others think. Do your thing, be yourself, and those that truly accept and support you will always be in your life.” I have gotten away from this. Wanting to blog / write / post more frequently, I come across many great [to me] ideas…

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