Making a decision

When making a decision, you need to understand the requirements involved in order to make the RIGHT decision. Separate fact from opinion and you will be well on your way. What’s the difference? I will use and old question: What kind of computer should I get? Mac or PC? If someone gives you and answer,…

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The little things mean a lot

Like the old saying “how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!” The little things add up! From a posting I did yesterday a friend commented on using a “FitBit” to track her daily calories. Activities like dancing, parking further away when shopping, etc. Tracking these little items, over time, turn into…

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Technology 101 – what are websites?

What is a website? People surf the internet daily, going from website to website, looking for specific stuff with search engines and finding all sorts of information. Have you ever stopped to think, “What is a website”? How are Websites put together? Keep reading for an introductory overview of what websites are and how they…

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