A busy week

This week was a busy week.  My how time flies.

The week started with my scheduled PET scan on Monday.  This was my 3 month checkup from the previous PET scan back in November.  This scan coming back clean will mean, the obvious, cancer still gone, and the BONUS of getting my port removed.

The PET scan is relatively easy, with the hardest part being the waiting, and drinking a quart of funny tasting contrast fluid.  I start off by getting an injection of some radioactive chemical into my vein, then sitting for 45 minutes.  During this time I needed to drink the contrast fluid.  Not bad tasting, especially after no food / drink since the previous night.

They still want a head scan as well as a full body scan.  The first one took approximately 20 minutes, the body scan was more like 40.  It seems like a lot longer as you need to lay there on the table and not move.  For the head scan, the put a velcro strap around my forehead to “remind me to lay still”.  During the scans, I had a velcro strap around my feet, and another wide section across my torso.  I need something like this at night to keep someone from stealing the blankets.

Once the scan was done, the technician performing the scan seemed to have a different demeanor.  Of course I took this to mean she saw “something”.  I also believed that she just might not be having a good day, but you know which way I was really thinking.

I told Tammy about my concerns, and she agreed that it was probably nothing.  Put this together with feeling sore muscles / bones and it creates a recipe to worry.  Talking it over with others helped too.  Basically I concentrated on what I knew, which was nothing.

The doctor was kind enough to leave me a message on Tuesday evening with a simple message:  “all good news, see you on Friday”.

Tuesday night was the end of my first scuba class – having returned to teaching.  We finished up the confined water work (pools) and they are now ready to hit the open water.  Looking like it will be somewhere around mid May.  The class was a lot of fun.  Took a bit to get back into the swing of teaching, but I settled in pretty well.  Was nice to have the other Denis with me at the start, but he bailed out with some excuse about going to Florida for vacation, warm water, golf, etc.  What’s up with that?

Wednesday was a snow day for us.  Getting a few inches, mostly just making a mess of things.  Didn’t really accumulate too much, just a reminder that spring is not quite here yet.  This was also a day for a vendor at work, so I spent a few more hours than planned.  All good as we were able to accomplish quite a bit for another project we are working on. Way too much stuff happening, not enough time or people.

Thursday was another 1/2 day of work, then back into the pool at night.  Had to make up a few students that missed a class.  I had a good time as they did well.  They didn’t get all the skills perfectly the first time, but we were able to laugh, have fun, and do them over.  Was another fun night and we all learned a lot.

Friday is the big day…  Back to the doctor’s office for my follow up.  I needed to have my port flushed, as it has been over 6 weeks since last time.  Really shouldn’t go more than 4, but we pushed it a little.

Went right in to see the doctor, as they didn’t need to draw blood for the CBC.  Since I was getting the port flush, they would get the blood then.

When the doctor came in, he was all smiles.  Started to concern me when he said we had a few things to talk about.  First up:  the scan results.  All good news.  He read the report which basically stated that in the areas where previous lesions / tumors had been found, there is NO cancer present.  (Woo Hoo)  After we went through the results, he said the next thing was the port.  Asked me if I had thought about having it removed.  My response was hell yeah!  It has been bothering me quite a bit lately, so I really couldn’t wait for him to say this.  This would mean I needed another, different, blood test to check blood clotting ability for the surgery, but otherwise I was all set to schedule the removal.

The doctor gave me an overview of the different level (severities) of Lymphoma.  Someone that has a mild or non agressive case, would have a mild or non agressive treatment.  The probability of beating it would be low.  Someone with a more severe case, of a more agressive Lymphoma would be treated aggressively and would have a higher degree of [possibility for] remission.  Basically, at the level I had it – being so aggressive, he said that if the treatement didn’t kill you, you would do just fine.


It would appear that his concern was more of would I make it through the treatment, rather than beat the cancer.  He said that the beginning was a little rough [going into anaphylactic shock, getting sick] but I made it look easy.  Who the heck was he looking at..?

Looking back, it was not an easy road.  Was it bad?  Yes.  To be honest, it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I can truly attribute most of this to God and my family and friends!

WE made it through this!  -Thank You!

My next doctor’s appointment is scheduled for 2 months from now.  My next scan will be somewhere around 4 months from now.  During the office visits, they continually perform blood tests to monitor for the presence of Lymphoma.  Since my conditions did not present themselves in any logical manner in the beginning, the blood test will be our first line of defense.

Looking forward to a GREAT summer.  Many wonderful things planned as we need to make up for lost time.  🙂




  1. Jon on March 2, 2012 at 11:38 pm


  2. Gary & Irene on March 2, 2012 at 11:53 pm

    Great news! We are soooo happy for you and Tammy and all that love you. You are quite an inspiration to all!

  3. Bea Griffin on March 3, 2012 at 12:14 am

    Absolutely FANTASTIC news!!! I am so very happy for you and Tammy.

  4. Debbie Wilson on March 3, 2012 at 12:40 am

    I am soooooo glad to hear that your prognosis is on the positive side. I can’t imagine what you & Tammy have been thru. Even though I have not been in touch – you have been in my thoughts & prayers and I am extremely happy to hear that the news is positive. Love to all – Debbie

  5. Sue Ross on March 3, 2012 at 1:00 am

    I said many prayers and still do that you have a long, happy life! Sometimes we get so busy that we forget that life is tentative. Be well and enjoy!!!

  6. Tim A on March 3, 2012 at 1:48 am

    That is awesome news!!!

  7. denis finnegan on March 3, 2012 at 5:49 am

    Outstanding news,. you and Tammy are troopers. See you soon buddy.

  8. Linda Lizotte on March 3, 2012 at 6:17 am

    Dennis I thank God that he gave you the strength of conviction to push through this and fight all the time , constantly keeping your eye on the prize – Life! You have forged forward with the true tete de cochon of the Bosse/Lizotte clan and the faith that we were given and the inability to give up on something as important as this journey we are on. God Bless you, oh forget it, he already has. Prayers will continue to give to strength and to let you never forget you were given a special gift for the second time – Life! God be with you…..I know he is! Love your cousin, Linda

  9. john & carol rossini on March 3, 2012 at 8:45 am

    sounds good dennis, see you on the fourth again, without headaches. john & carol

  10. Fran on March 3, 2012 at 9:19 am

    Dennis, that is GREAT news! I am happy for you and the family. I guess all the prayers worked!

    We need to get together for lunch!

  11. Val on March 3, 2012 at 6:46 pm

    Still wiping the tears away, I love happy endings!

  12. Diane Guerrette on March 4, 2012 at 8:00 pm

    Dennis and Tammy: So happy for the both of you that all is going well. Always nice to get some good test results after all you’ve been through and that things are now looking positive. Hoping you get to do something special this summer, cause you so deserve it. Take care and God Bless. Love you lots! Diane

  13. Michael Mahan on March 5, 2012 at 4:04 pm

    This is great news, congratulations to you

  14. Valerie Lochner on March 6, 2012 at 6:15 pm

    Congratulations Dennis! This is the best news I’ve heard in awhile! You are such an inspiration! Your positive attitude and love of life are all testaments to your strength of character! Everyone who knows you loves you! Can’t wait to go diving with you and Tammy sometime very soon! Happy days ahead!!!

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