Keeping the course – keep on going

Dennis profile picture

Some days are just tough. Things don’t go directly as planned and motivation is low. What do you do now? Keep on going! This is where the rubber meets the road. This morning was tough. I didn’t feel like getting up, had a head ache, tired. The alarm went off and all I wanted to…

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Practice makes Habit

Succeed with smarter goals for 2016 - Dennis Bosse

It is well thought that practice makes perfect. Unfortunately this couldn’t be further from the truth. Practice cannot make you perfect. Believe me I know… 🙂 What people are trying to convey is that by practicing YOU WILL GET BETTER! This by no means guarantees any perfection. In the case of practicing something that you…

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Third time’s the charm?


More of the story Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. Or something like that. Seems as though once things start going well, it is just about time to be thrown a curve ball. Yup, more crap! Reader’s digest version of where we are today: • 2011 – diagnosed…

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