Time – a great perspective

Time to review

I always say everyone has 24 hours a day – it is what you do with it that counts. Many people seem to get tons of stuff done, others are always complaining they’re too busy..? If we each have the same amount of time, why is there such a difference? The big 3 Planning –…

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Building up consistency


Commitment – Consistency – Potential Three words that were given to me by a coach I met last year. He is fighting with cancer yet keeps going – every day – consistently. Yes, that is the sticky note on my vision board. Has been there since the day I heard those words in his video.…

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In order to move forward we need to look back


It’s the end of the year, 2015 has flown by. Time to set new goals and resolutions for 2016. Hurry up, need to have these nailed down by January first right?.. Uh, yes and no. Take a little time to look back and see where you were successful and also the times you missed your…

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