Posts Tagged ‘Self Improvement’
The little things mean a lot
Like the old saying “how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!” The little things add up! From a posting I did yesterday a friend commented on using a “FitBit” to track her daily calories. Activities like dancing, parking further away when shopping, etc. Tracking these little items, over time, turn into…
Read MoreA look ahead and a quick review
Hello again! I discussed setting goals, or more relevant setting smart goals. For today I am simply going to take a bit of time to review. Where I am at and how am I doing? So, what’s the status? Two of the goals for November where blogging every day and working out at least 5…
Read MoreAlways more to do – keep safety in mind
Hello there! Daylight saving time ends tomorrow at 2:00 am. Time to set the clocks back. We are reminded to set the clocks back and change the batteries in the smoke detecros as well. A very helpful maintenance tip. As always, there is more to do. Let’s keep safety in mind! Here are a few…
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