Weekly Checkpoint – On Track

Dennis Bosse - Vision-Board-2017

Laying in bed last night and it hit me – never posted for the day. Was just to post a weekly checkpoint and figured I would get to it today. Yes, procrastination! 🙂 Oh well. Even though I was in bed early, wasn’t getting up – too comfortable. Was just going to post an update…

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Taking the bad with the good


OK I realize not all days will be “GREAT” there will be some down times. That is ok, that is life. We get over it… just need to take the bad with the good. Today has some of those moments… Background For those that do no realize it I have celiac disease. This means my…

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The next step – recording data

Getting a workout in - Dennis Bosse

The one that controls the data controls the world. Something that has taken me a long time to realize – data is important. Well, I kind of always known this, just re-learning to apply it in more areas. When you record data and track the numbers you have a better knowledge of what is happening.…

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