Weekly weight loss update – November 25th

Hello all!

Just a quick update on my weight loss progress. It was a good / bad week(end). Lol..  The overall week, and subsequent check in w/ Med Team was good. The remainder of the weekend I was bad. 🙂

I lost an additional 3 pounds this week.  This seems to be “the” number at 3 pounds a week. If I want to lose a bit more, I will need to either A) decrease what I am eating (not!) or B) increase my physical activity. I think I will go with option “B”.

The weekend activities included a mini trip with friends to celebrate a few birthdays and get some dancing in. I discussed this with Tom at Med Team and he assured me it was OK to “cheat” – just need to get right back at it the next day. We also discussed Thanksgiving. Again, Tom said to enjoy the day, have a good dinner, dessert too, and don’t stress about it. Just make up for it with a long walk, and lots of water, and getting back on track Friday. Get back on the horse!

I will starting back at Planet Fitness on Tuesday. This will be in conjunction with the second major change I want to accomplish – getting up earlier. This will be one of the hardest of all.

Why do I want to do this? – Motivation to get more done.

  1. Allow more time in am for “me” time.
  2. Get in physical activity more frequently. If I set time each morning to work out right away, I will have more time for more stuff later and will not need to worry about trying to work it in.
  3. Consistency – My waking / sleep habits are all over the place. I would like to get a little more regular, at least with the waking up part.
  4. When I get up early and start the day off “right” I get more done. This will help me with many areas of my life.

I know this is achievable, just need to help with the focus and execution.

Any people want to join me at 5:30 at Planet Fitness in Manchester? Let me know and we can keep each other motivated and committed.


Weight: 227.5
Lost to date: 31 lbs
Goal in: 52 pounds

That is all for this update!




  1. Dean Bosse on November 25, 2013 at 12:15 pm

    I applaud your hard work, Dennis. However, I hate to burst your bubble, but from my experience, a major key to dropping weight is portion control. As we get older, we need fewer calories. Increased exercise won’t help significantly, until you drop some of your daily calorie intake. I’ve lived this. Being a Bosse – this is hard to do, because we both have been trained to eat up, eat well, and have seconds!

    I road my bike 15-20 miles a day 3-4 times a week and never lost weight. Another time, I hardly exercised, but reduced my calories (and ate healthy) and lost 15 pounds. It was an eye-opener for me.

    New topic… Since we do Thanksgiving at our house, I cannot participate in the Manchester road race. However, if you want to join me on Team Fidelco for the Hartford Marathon 5k (next October), let me know! It would be great to run with you!

    • Dennis on November 25, 2013 at 12:24 pm

      Amen cousin! It is a combination of calories burned and calories consumed.
      You, and your family are one of my inspirations. – Keep me posted on your runs, one day I *may* catch you.. 🙂

      I did not get signed up in time for the Manchester event. Next time!

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