Still rolling on…

Another week and more progress.

I was asked if everything is all right? I am doing really well. Things are going great. Seems as though what I am writing is not representative of my true thoughts and emotions.? OK – I will try to be a little more up-beat.  How about a few extra 🙂

Things are progressing well. I have cheated on a few meals and have learned what that does. I still am losing and going down, just not as quickly as I want…  OK, so stop the cheating. 🙂

When I stick to my program and keep compliant thing go well. I have noticed that some days I am not eating much at all when you add in the weights and cardio. I am trying to eat a bit more and still stay within a good calorie deficit. It does help to cheat and indulge once in a while.

It has been tough keeping on the gym schedule. I am trying a few different things with times to work out. Evenings, right after work, would be nice – just seems like things keep coming up. Very tough to get up early enough to get in a good workout and still be to work on time. Guess I will need to retire.

Tammy and I have been busy lately. Seems like we are always busy, which is not an excuse for skipping out on stuff. Need to keep the priorities straight. Right now family is getting a bit more attention for good reasons!  Lyndsey and Shane were married on February 8th! We are trying to plan a party to celebrate the nuptials so there is a LOT to do!

This past Saturday was the weekly check in with Med team. Next Saturday will be the end of the initial program. I need to make a decision on keeping up with it or moving on. Tough decision. Discussed with Tammy a bit and we both have the same feelings. Will run it through a few more times before Saturday.

SO far to date:

  • Weight = 209
  • Lost to date: 49 pounds
  • Weight to lose: 34 pounds

The goal is getting closer! Starting the planning for the next MAJOR goal – Stay tuned…

Peace and Love,




  1. Sue Ross on February 19, 2014 at 11:32 am

    Congratulations on your accomplishments!! You should be very proud of yourself!

    Congratulations on Lyndsey’s wedding!!

    • Dennis on February 22, 2014 at 12:11 am

      Thanks Sue!

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